This is a very common question we get asked daily at Pierce Land Clearing. There are a few factors to break down and how we handle pricing. By the end of this quick article you should have a very good understanding of what to expect from our company clearing your land.
First and foremost, forestry mulching is by far the most effective and environmentally friendly way to clear your land. By mulching the brush and trees we eliminate the need for large piles to burn and offer a nutrient rich mulch for the soil. Our machines also have very wide tracks offering a low PSI on the ground reducing damage to the soil and root systems of mature trees.
When it comes to forestry mulching Pierce Land Clearing makes pricing and quoting easy. We offer the best machines on the market to get the job done right the first time.
Barko 930B Forestry Mulcher
Able to clear trees of unlimited size.
Fast tracking and can cross pavement
Works well in rocky conditions
Able to clear 3-5+ acres per day on average
12 foot reach height
Fine mulch that decomposes quickly
Travel speed of 10+ MPH
$3600 per 8 machine hour day
ASV 120/135 Compact Mulcher
Able to clear trees of up to 14 inches
Fast tracking and can cross pavement
Works well in wet conditions
Able to clear 1-2+ acres per day on average
12 foot reach height
Fine mulch that decomposes quickly
Travel speed of 10+ MPH
$2500 per 8 machine hour day